Rebrand and create a cohesive user experience for all centers living under the University of Minnesota’s, Institute for Social Research and Data Innovation (ISRDI) with a primary focus on IPUMS and its data offerings, while leaving room for future expansion.
With a core focus on the evolving growth of data centers and sponsors, I created a flexible ID and website system that could evolve with the ever changing needs of the Institute for Social Research and Data Innovation (ISRDI). Starting with rebranding the ISRDI, a family of identity’s and websites were created for all data centers under the ISRDI (with added focus on IPUMS and it’s many sub data sets), each center holding their own independent ID while living together as a cohesive user experience under the University of Minnesota.
Working from a core set of fonts and colors for the centers, each brand and website was designed as a related experience with the subset of the IPUMS family using bright colors to differentiate between data sets, improving quick ease of user recognition within the website data tools.